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Our experience working with businesses involved in Infrastructure delivery programs gives us sufficient industry knowledge and understanding of challenges and best practices. Our process and data-driven approach, leveraging data analytics to inform decision making helps us deliver desired business outcomes in the form of cost savings, improved efficiency, reduced risks and predictability.  

Our partnerships with industry associations and technology providers demonstrate our commitment to the industry.  

  • Project Prioritisation and Portfolio Management: Help infrastructure companies prioritise projects based on strategic goals, budget constraints, and risk tolerance. 
  • Business Transformation: Develop and implement transformation programs to improve business performance in areas where gaps are identified. These include financial, safety, quality and operational performance.  
  • Digital Transformation: Develop and implement digital strategies to improve efficiency in areas like asset management, construction management, and maintenance. This involves supporting the integration of technology solutions.  
  • Sustainability Integration: Help infrastructure companies integrate sustainable practices into their operations, reducing environmental impact and meeting regulatory requirements. 
  • Supply Chain Optimisation: Streamline procurement processes and improve supplier relationships to ensure timely delivery of materials and equipment for infrastructure projects. 
  • Bid and Proposal Development: Support infrastructure companies in creating compelling bids for tenders, increasing their chances of winning new projects. 
  • Risk Management: Develop and implement risk management strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks that can derail infrastructure projects. 


We have served several clients from the construction industry over the years. From helping develop processes to deal with project or labour regular complexities to helping executives lead transformation, we bring our expertise in transformation, data analytics and processes to assist the increase of project success rates, improve business profitability and increase efficiency.  

Our partnerships with industry associations and technology providers demonstrate our commitment to the industry.  

  • Growth Strategy Development: Help construction companies develop winning strategies to expand into new markets, diversify service offerings, or increase project profitability. 
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Support: Guide construction companies through M&A processes, ensuring successful integration and value creation. 
  • Construction Project Management Optimisation: Streamline construction workflows using lean methodologies and digital tools to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and shorten project timelines. This can involve supporting the implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for improved collaboration and prefabrication for faster construction. 
  • Cost Management and Budgeting: Develop robust cost estimation models and project controls to ensure projects stay on budget. Leverage data analytics to identify cost-saving opportunities throughout the construction lifecycle. 
  • Safety Management: Implement effective safety protocols and procedures to minimise accidents and create a safe working environment, reducing liabilities and improving worker morale. 
  • Tender Preparation and Bid Optimisation: Assist construction companies in crafting winning tenders by identifying best practices, cost-effective solutions, and clear value propositions. 
  • Project Management Expertise: Provide back-off support to project managers to oversee construction projects, ensuring adherence to plans, quality control, and timely completion. 
  • Risk Management: Develop and implement risk management frameworks to proactively identify and mitigate potential risks like material shortages, labour disputes, and weather delays. 

Renewable Energy 

We are one of the few, if not the only Australian consulting practice working with businesses in renewable energy infrastructure construction and operation. From helping develop processes to deal with project complexities, and regulatory approvals to helping executives lead transformation in this emerging industry, we bring our expertise in transformation, data analytics and process, supplemented by familiarity within the energy sector, to assist in increasing project success rates, improve business profitability and increase efficiency. 

We are well-networked and have access to the expertise needed in this specialised sector.  

  • Market Analysis and Growth Strategies: Help renewable energy construction companies identify emerging trends and opportunities within the renewable energy sector. Develop data-driven strategies to capitalise on these opportunities, like expanding into new technologies or geographic markets. 
  • Sustainability Integration: Support companies in integrating sustainable practices throughout their construction processes. This can involve using recycled materials, minimising environmental impact, and ensuring compliance with sustainability regulations. 
  • Digital Transformation for Renewables: Guide companies on implementing digital tools like Building Information Modelling (BIM) specifically for renewable energy projects. This can optimise design, improve efficiency in the prefabrication of components, and enhance collaboration across stakeholders. 
  • Supply Chain Optimisation for Renewables: Help navigate the complex supply chain for renewable energy projects. This involves identifying reliable suppliers for specialised materials and equipment, mitigating risks of delays, and optimising logistics for timely project delivery. 
  • Maintenance and Operations Planning: Advice on integrating preventative maintenance strategies for renewable energy facilities, maximising their efficiency and lifespan. 
  • Tender Optimisation for Renewables: Support companies in crafting winning bids for renewable energy projects. Analyse specific tender requirements, highlight expertise in relevant technologies like solar or wind farm construction and demonstrate a strong understanding of regulatory frameworks. 
  • Project Management for Renewables: Provide support to project managers with specific knowledge of renewable energy construction challenges. This ensures projects stay on schedule and budget while adhering to safety protocols and environmental regulations. 
  • Risk Management for Renewables: Develop risk management plans that address unique challenges in renewable energy construction, such as permitting delays, weather disruptions specific to project locations, and potential grid integration issues. 


We empower transportation builders with data-driven solutions across every project stage. Our industry expertise optimises projects from market analysis to risk management, helping you embrace disruptive technologies like autonomous vehicles and connected systems. Build sustainably for the future by integrating best practices and minimising environmental impact. 

We are well-networked and have access to the expertise needed in this specialised sector.  

  • Market Analysis & Growth Strategies: Identify emerging trends in transportation infrastructure (e.g., smart cities, autonomous vehicles) and potential new markets with growing needs. Develop data-driven strategies to expand service offerings (e.g., incorporating smart technology integration) or enter new geographic areas with significant infrastructure development. 
  • Digital Transformation for Transport Infrastructure: Develop and implement digital solutions like Building Information Modelling (BIM) specifically for transportation projects (roads, bridges, tunnels). This can optimise design, improve collaboration across engineering disciplines, and enhance construction efficiency through prefabrication. 
  • Supply Chain Management for Transport Infrastructure: Streamline the complex supply chain for large-scale transportation projects. This involves identifying reliable suppliers for specialised materials and equipment, managing logistics for timely delivery, and mitigating risks of delays. 
  • Sustainability Integration in Construction: Help companies integrate sustainable practices throughout transportation projects. This can involve using recycled materials, minimizing environmental impact during construction, and ensuring the completed infrastructure is energy-efficient (e.g., promoting electric vehicle adoption). 
  • Tender Optimization for Transport Infrastructure: Support companies in crafting compelling bids for complex transportation projects. Analyse tender requirements, highlight expertise in relevant construction methods and materials (e.g., bridge construction), and demonstrate a strong understanding of safety regulations specific to transportation infrastructure. 
  • Project Management for Transport Infrastructure: Provide experienced project managers with a deep understanding of the complexities of large-scale transportation projects. This ensures projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet stringent quality and safety standards. 
  • Risk Management for Transport Infrastructure: Develop risk management plans that address unique challenges in transportation construction, such as complex permitting processes, potential disruptions to existing traffic flow, and unforeseen geological conditions. 


We have worked with several engineering firms to translate vision into reality. We understand the evolving landscape of engineering and its vital role in shaping our world. Our comprehensive suite of services empowers you to achieve excellence in design, project management, and innovation. We leverage engineering principles, lean practices, data analytics, and cutting-edge technologies to transform your project delivery and drive successful outcomes. 

We are well-networked and have access to the expertise needed in this specialised sector.  

  • Building Information Modelling (BIM) Implementation:  Go beyond software with our comprehensive BIM approach. We utilise industry-leading tools and best practices to streamline collaboration across disciplines, optimise design efficiency, and ensure project success from concept to completion. 
  • Advanced Design and Analysis:  Leverage cutting-edge tools like FEA & CFD for optimised designs.  Our expertise helps you simulate and analyse complex engineering problems, leading to improved product performance and reduced risk of failure during the prototype stage. 
  • Project Management for Engineers:  Ensure on-time delivery and budget adherence with our tailored project management tools and methodologies. We guide you through planning, scheduling, risk management, and resource allocation, utilising project management software for clear communication and successful project completion. 
  • Risk Management for Engineering Projects:  Proactively identify and mitigate potential issues throughout the engineering lifecycle. Our approach utilises risk assessment tools and workshops to brainstorm, analyse, and prioritise potential risks, minimising project delays, cost overruns, and safety hazards. 
  • Data-Driven Design & Decisions: Integrate data analytics to inform decisions, optimise designs, and predict product performance. We help you leverage vast amounts of design data to make data-driven choices, leading to innovative solutions and improved engineering outcomes. 
  • Digital Twin Development: Develop digital replicas of your assets for virtual testing, predictive maintenance planning, and improved operational efficiency. Our team utilises advanced simulation tools and sensor data integration to create a dynamic digital representation of your assets. 
  • Sustainable Engineering Solutions: Integrate sustainability principles seamlessly into your projects. We consider factors like life cycle analysis and material selection for reduced environmental impact, helping you achieve sustainable design goals without compromising functionality or performance. 
  • Emerging Tech Integration: Stay ahead of the curve by integrating cutting-edge technologies like 3D printing, AI for design automation, and VR for enhanced collaboration. We can assist with adoption and ensure these technologies empower your engineering practices. 

Asset Management 

We guide asset owners to extend asset lifespan, optimise maintenance strategies, and unlock the full value of their physical assets.  Our expertise in asset lifecycle management, cutting-edge technologies and data analytics helps you minimise downtime, reduce costs, and make informed investment decisions. 

  • Asset Lifecycle Management Strategies: Develop data-driven strategies for optimising the entire lifecycle of infrastructure assets, from planning and design to construction, operation, maintenance, and eventual rehabilitation or decommissioning. 
  • Emerging Technologies for Asset Management: Guide firms on integrating new technologies like digital twins, sensor networks, and artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive maintenance and improved decision-making around asset health and investment needs. 
  • Digital Transformation for Asset Management: Implement digital tools like Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting on asset health and performance. 
  • Data Analytics for Asset Management: Help firms leverage data analytics to predict potential asset failures, optimise maintenance schedules, and minimise downtime. This can involve using sensor data to identify trends and potential issues before they escalate. 
  • Risk Management for Infrastructure Assets: Develop risk management plans that address unique challenges specific to asset management, such as aging infrastructure, budget constraints, and climate change impacts. 
  • Tender Optimization for Asset Management Contracts: Support firms in crafting winning bids for infrastructure asset management contracts. Analyse tender requirements, highlight expertise in relevant technologies and methodologies (e.g., condition assessment, risk-based maintenance), and demonstrate a strong understanding of industry best practices. 
  • Project Management for Asset Management Projects: Provide experienced project managers familiar with the complexities of implementing new technologies and processes for asset management. This ensures projects are delivered on time, within budget, and achieve the desired improvements in asset performance. 


We equip water infrastructure companies to thrive in a changing market. Our team offers a comprehensive suite of services, including market analysis to identify growth opportunities in desalination and water reuse. We guide sustainable practices, digital tools like BIM for optimised design and construction, and data analytics for efficient water usage. We ensure safety and regulatory compliance, craft winning tenders, and provide experienced project and risk management to navigate any challenge. 

  • Market Analysis & Growth Strategies: Identify emerging trends in water infrastructure needs (e.g., desalination, water reuse) and potential new markets. Develop data-driven strategies to expand your service offerings or enter new geographic areas with growing water infrastructure demands. 
  • Sustainability Integration: Help companies integrate sustainable practices throughout water infrastructure projects. This can involve using water-efficient construction materials and methods, minimizing environmental impact during construction, and ensuring efficient operation of the completed infrastructure. 
  • Digital Transformation for Water Infrastructure: Guide companies on implementing digital tools like Building Information Modelling (BIM) specifically for water infrastructure projects. This can optimize design, improve efficiency in prefabrication of pipes or other components, and enhance collaboration with engineers and other stakeholders. 
  • Data Analytics for Water Management: Help companies leverage data analytics to optimize water usage throughout construction projects and improve the efficiency of completed infrastructure (e.g., leak detection and management systems). 
  • Safety & Regulatory Compliance: Develop and implement safety protocols and procedures specific to water infrastructure construction, ensuring worker safety and adherence to environmental regulations. 
  • Tender Optimization for Water Infrastructure: Support companies in crafting winning bids for water infrastructure projects. Analyze tender requirements, highlight expertise in relevant construction methods and materials (e.g., trenchless technologies), and demonstrate a strong understanding of regulatory frameworks for water infrastructure projects. 
  • Project Management for Water Infrastructure: Provide experienced project managers familiar with the complexities of water infrastructure projects. This ensures projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet stringent quality and safety standards. 
  • Risk Management for Water Infrastructure: Develop risk management plans that address unique challenges in water infrastructure construction, such as unforeseen ground conditions, potential environmental impact on water sources, and community concerns during construction. 


We help telecommunications companies navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape.  Our data-driven solutions unlock exceptional customer experiences and network performance. Navigate disruptions with market analysis, future tech guidance, and expert project management. Win bids and enhance operations with BIM, data analytics & supply chain expertise. 

  • Market Analysis & Growth Strategies: Identify emerging trends in telecommunications infrastructure (e.g., 5G rollout, fibre optic network expansion) and potential new markets with growing demands. Develop data-driven strategies to expand service offerings (e.g., specialising in small cell deployment) or enter new geographic areas with significant telecommunications infrastructure investment. 
  • Focus on Future Technologies: Advise firms on how to prepare for and integrate future technologies, ensuring they are positioned to win bids and adapt to a rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape. 
  • Digital Transformation for Telecom Infrastructure: Implement digital tools like Building Information Modelling (BIM) specifically for telecommunications projects (cell towers, fibre optic networks). This can optimize design, improve collaboration across disciplines, and enhance construction efficiency through prefabrication of towers or network components. 
  • Data Analytics for Network Optimization: Help firms leverage data analytics to optimize network design, deployment strategies, and maintenance schedules. This can involve using network performance data to identify bottlenecks and prioritize infrastructure upgrades. 
  • Supply Chain Management for Telecom Equipment: Streamline the complex supply chain for telecommunications equipment, ensuring timely delivery of specialized components (e.g., fibre optic cables, antennas) and mitigating risks of project delays. 
  • Tender Optimization for Telecom Infrastructure: Assist firms in crafting winning bids for telecommunications infrastructure projects. Analyze tender requirements, highlight expertise in relevant construction methods and technologies (e.g., directional drilling for fibre optic cables), and demonstrate a strong understanding of regulatory frameworks specific to telecommunications infrastructure. 
  • Project Management for Telecom Infrastructure: Provide experienced project managers with a deep understanding of the complexities of telecommunications infrastructure projects. This ensures projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet stringent quality and safety standards, considering factors like potential disruptions to existing networks. 
  • Risk Management for Telecom Infrastructure: Develop risk management plans that address unique challenges in telecommunications construction, such as permitting delays for cell tower installations, potential disruptions to existing services, and ensuring adherence to safety protocols when working with high-voltage environments. 


We partner with manufacturers to achieve operational excellence in a dynamic and competitive environment.  Our expertise in lean manufacturing, digital transformation, and supply chain optimisation helps you improve production efficiency, ensure quality control, and drive innovation within your manufacturing operations. 

  • Lean Manufacturing Implementation: Implement proven lean manufacturing principles to reduce waste, improve efficiency, and optimise production processes. We guide you through process mapping, value stream analysis, and continuous improvement initiatives to achieve operational excellence. 
  • Digital Transformation for Manufacturing: Embrace Industry 4.0 by integrating technologies like automation, robotics, and data analytics into your manufacturing environment. We help you develop a digital transformation roadmap to create a smart factory for enhanced efficiency, productivity, and data-driven decision-making. 
  • Supply Chain Optimisation: Optimise your supply chain for improved efficiency and reduced risk. We provide solutions to streamline logistics, optimise inventory management, and mitigate supply chain disruptions through effective forecasting and supplier collaboration. 
  • Quality Management Systems (QMS) Implementation: Implement robust QMS to ensure consistent product quality and regulatory compliance. We can assist you in selecting the appropriate QMS framework, developing standardised processes, and conducting internal audits for continuous quality improvement. 
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM): Streamline product development and collaboration with PLM tools. We help you integrate design, engineering, and manufacturing functions to optimise product lifecycles, accelerate time to market, and improve product quality. 
  • Sustainability Integration: Reduce your environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future. We assist in integrating sustainable practices throughout the manufacturing process, including energy efficiency initiatives, waste reduction strategies, and responsible material sourcing. 
  • Predictive Maintenance for Manufacturing: Minimise downtime and optimise maintenance costs with a data-driven predictive maintenance program. We help you leverage sensor technology and analytics to identify potential equipment failures before they occur, allowing for proactive maintenance interventions. 
  • Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: Explore and integrate emerging manufacturing technologies like additive manufacturing (3D printing) or augmented reality (AR) to enhance your production capabilities. We can help you assess feasibility, identify applications, and implement these technologies to gain a competitive advantage. 

Power Transmission

We enable power companies toward a resilient, sustainable future. Our expertise unlocks grid optimisation, renewable energy integration, and cybersecurity. Navigate regulations with our market analysis and embrace digital transformation with BIM and data analytics. We help you win bids, manage complex supply chains, and deliver projects on-time with experienced project managers who mitigate risks. 

  • Market Analysis & Growth Strategies: Identify emerging trends in power transmission (e.g., integration of renewable energy sources, smart grid technologies) and potential new markets with growing energy demands. Develop data-driven strategies to expand service offerings (e.g., specialising in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission) or enter new geographic areas with significant power grid development. 
  • Regulatory and Policy Implementation: Helping firms implement strategies and processes to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape surrounding power transmission, including permitting processes and environmental considerations, ensuring projects comply with the latest regulations. 
  • Digital Transformation for Power Transmission: Implement digital tools like Building Information Modelling (BIM) specifically for power transmission projects (transmission lines, substations). This can optimise design, improve collaboration across engineering disciplines, and enhance construction efficiency through prefabrication of towers or substation components. 
  • Data Analytics for Transmission Network Optimization: Help firms leverage data analytics to optimise transmission network design, improve grid resilience, and integrate renewable energy sources more effectively. This can involve using data to identify potential bottlenecks and plan for upgrades or grid modernisation efforts. 
  • Supply Chain Management for Power Transmission Equipment: Streamline the complex supply chain for power transmission equipment, ensuring timely delivery of specialised components (e.g., transformers, high-voltage cables) and mitigating risks of project delays. 
  • Tender Optimization for Power Transmission Projects: Assist firms in crafting winning bids for power transmission infrastructure projects. Analyse tender requirements, highlight expertise in relevant construction methods and technologies (e.g., overhead transmission line construction, underground cabling), and demonstrate a strong understanding of safety regulations specific to high-voltage environments. 
  • Project Management for Power Transmission Infrastructure: Provide experienced project managers familiar with the complexities of power transmission projects. This ensures projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet stringent quality and safety standards, considering factors like environmental impact assessments and public stakeholder engagement. 
  • Risk Management for Power Transmission Infrastructure: Develop risk management plans that address unique challenges in power transmission construction, such as complex permitting processes for right-of-way acquisition, potential environmental impact on sensitive ecosystems, and ensuring community safety during construction. 

Investment Funds 

We provide expert guidance on investment funds to make informed investment decisions and achieve superior risk-adjusted returns.  Our expertise in market analysis enables clients to identify high-potential assets and mitigate risk through comprehensive due diligence and assessments. We help you manage portfolios across regulations and downturns and navigate sustainable investing and mergers for success. 

  • Market Analysis and Asset Valuation: Conduct in-depth market analysis to identify promising infrastructure sectors (e.g., renewable energy, digital infrastructure) and assess the potential value of target assets. 
  • Technical Due Diligence: Provide technical expertise to evaluate the operational efficiency, maintenance requirements, and long-term viability of infrastructure assets. 
  • Construction Risk Assessment: Analyse potential risks associated with infrastructure construction projects, including cost overruns, schedule delays, and regulatory hurdles. 
  • Portfolio Risk Management: Help investors identify and mitigate risks across their infrastructure asset portfolios, including regulatory changes, environmental concerns, and economic downturns. 
  • Performance Optimization: Advice on strategies to optimise the performance of infrastructure assets, such as implementing efficiency measures or utilising data analytics for predictive maintenance. 
  • Sustainability Integration: Guide investors on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their infrastructure investment decisions. 
  • Tender Optimization for Acquisitions: Assist PE firms in crafting compelling bids for infrastructure assets or construction companies. Analyse tender requirements, highlight the potential for value creation through your expertise, and demonstrate a strong understanding of the infrastructure market. 
  • Post-Merger Integration (PMI): Provide support for integrating acquired infrastructure assets or construction companies, ensuring a smooth transition and maximizing synergies. 

Professional Services 

We elevate professional services firms to achieve sustainable success in a competitive market. Our expertise in project management optimisation, talent management strategies, and marketing and business development support helps you streamline operations, enhance client service, and drive profitable growth. 

  • Project Management Office (PMO) Implementation: Establish a robust PMO to centralise project management practices, ensure consistency, and improve project delivery success rates. We help you define processes, implement project management methodologies, and train your team for optimal project execution. 
  • Process Optimisation with Documentation and Analysis: Identify and streamline your business processes through in-depth analysis and comprehensive documentation. We utilise process mapping tools, identify bottlenecks, and recommend improvements leveraging technology and best practices to enhance operational efficiency and reduce administrative costs. 
  • Strategic Talent Management: Develop a comprehensive talent management strategy to attract, retain, and develop top talent. We go beyond traditional HR practices to assist with talent acquisition, performance management, and employee training programs using HR technology solutions. This ensures you have a high-performing team equipped with the latest skills to deliver exceptional client service. 
  • Offshoring and Resource Management: Explore the benefits of offshoring staff to access skilled professionals at a competitive cost. We assist with identifying qualified offshoring partners, managing remote teams, and integrating them seamlessly into your existing workflow to optimise resource allocation and project delivery. 
  • Marketing and Business Development Support: Leverage data-driven marketing and business development strategies to generate leads, win new clients, and grow your business. We assist with developing targeted marketing campaigns, creating content that resonates with your ideal clients, and implementing lead-generation strategies to attract and convert high-value clients. 
  • Pricing Strategy and Profitability Optimisation: Develop a data-driven pricing strategy to ensure profitability and maximise revenue. Our experts analyse your cost structure, market competition, and client value proposition to recommend a strategic pricing model that fosters sustainable growth and profitability. 
  • Technology Solutions for Professional Services: Identify and implement the right technology solutions to streamline operations, improve collaboration, and enhance client service. We can assist with project management software, communication tools, data analytics platforms, and HR technology solutions to optimise your workflow, improve team collaboration, and deliver exceptional client experiences. 
  • Industry Benchmarking and Performance Measurement: Gain valuable insights into your performance compared to industry standards. We provide industry benchmarking reports and help you identify areas for improvement to enhance your competitive edge in the professional services market. 





Renewable Energy

Asset Management




Power Transmission

Investment Funds

Professional Services

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