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Challenges and benefits of sustainability in construction

In this rapidly changing world, there are so many industries that are doing what they can to shift their business into a more eco-friendly company. The construction sector is no different because it can make big contributions to a more sustainable future But there are a handful of challenges and benefits in aligning the construction […]

Sustainability in Construction, What is it?

The goal of sustainable construction is to decrease the environmental impact of the sector by using practices that involve the use of efficient energy and green technology. It is the practice of developing a healthy environment based on ecological principles. It focuses on the conservation, recycling, reuse, the protection of nature, the creation of high-quality […]

Quality VS Quantity – Which is better?

Quantity vs quality is one of the topics that has been debated upon by every business in every industry. But if we look at it closely, it is all a matter of preference. This preference is driven by our economy of numbers and sales. With that said, some organizations put more emphasis on quantity, thinking […]

Planning and Budgeting for construction businesses

Planning and budgeting is a critical step for businesses. But most small to medium construction companies leave this out of their business process. The 3 most common reasons businesses don’t plan and budget 4 Common challenges to planning But why should construction companies plan and budget their finances? How do you start? Shivendra helps construction […]

Winning New Work

There are less than 10 weeks until the end of the year. This is a major cause of concern for construction business owners, general managers, and other leaders in the industry. It is a worrisome issue for construction companies because projects will always finish off. And companies will always need to look for new work. […]

How to take advantage of “change” in the construction industry

The construction industry is fast-changing, post-COVID-19. Let me tell you how you can take advantage of it, to win new work, and reign in the opportunities from the changes that are currently steamrolling our sector. Be forward-lookingTo take advantage of the opportunities that are heading our way because of the changes, you should hire talent […]

Make “change” as part of your Business as Usual

Change is the only constant thing in our life, and this is also true for business. It doesn’t matter whether the change may seem bad or good at the time it was occurring, at the end of the day, it will teach you something. Although, it is natural for people to think that change is a […]

Business Model Canvas and streamlining value for your business

Before you start implementing all sorts of changes to your business you need to take a good and hard look at it. And you can begin with determining the core value stream.  According to IASA, a value stream is defined as a representation of how an organization configures its business capabilities to deliver value to an internal […]

Should your Business diversify?

If you own a business, you likely have thought of diversifying your company at one point or another. It is, after all, a strategy to increase your revenue and grow your company. But there are many questions about diversification that stops owners from taking that leap forward. There are many concerns and doubts that fill […]

What are constraints in the construction business?

There are many constraints in every industry. But there are instances where we become unaware of the existence of the constraints. Or we tend to put more emphasis on the goals of the project. The construction industry includes a multitude of parties that would bring complications in the management of the project. This could lead to […]